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our services.

So, what do we do at Healthy Chats CIC?

Healthy Chats CIC train people to talk more easily about health.

We want to help communities become more active & improve their standard of health. We work across the UK, but often in our local area. We use public health population data to help us explain the relevance and the need for the training we provide

how we work with you.

Our training packages are specially developed for non-healthcare staff, social care workforce & volunteers.

Physical activity, just a chat. Training can be made individual for different workforces  to increase relevance to the client group. 

Physical activity – Person centred physical activity training for  Social Prescribers and  Social Workers

Ideal interactive training for people who have some understanding of the physical and mental health needs of their clients.

This package is aimed at Social Prescribers and can be also be adapted for Social Workers.

We provide information about physical activity at a foundation level, including information about how to have a chat about this with patients or clients. We help Social Prescribers understand that physical activity messaging is person-centred and helpful to include messages around enjoyment, socialisation, meeting new people as well as  improving their health and wellbeing. We help you to make every contact count.

This training also includes information on local population data helping attendees to be more aware of health inequalities in relation to physical activity.

Social Care and  physical activity – a person centred approach.

Ideal training for all Social Care staff . This can also be adapted for different roles such as  Community Care Officers , Care staff, Activity Coordinators or Care Managers depending on need. Provides example of how every day, person centred activities in residential care, or day centres,  can be made more active, how strength work can be found  in many activities which in turn help promote independence. Provides space for sharing of practice amongst care homes and actively promotes support for each other between the attendees on the training.

Interactive training for people who have a chance to influence the public about physical activity messaging in the form of a Healthy Chat during their work.

It provides background information and resources to help people have informed conversations as the opportunity arises.

Previous chatters like voluntary community leaders, green space providers, housing associations staff and receptionists have all found this course interesting and beneficial.  

Eat, Drink, Move, Repeat – for tutors & post 16 tutors.   Delivered by Dietitian, Physiotherapist

Training about healthy eating and physical activity designed to help tutors develop skills and confidence in talking about these subjects with their learners.  Resources, e links useful demographics about young people provided to help the tutor understand the need and begin to influence those around them. 

what we cover.

Physical Activity.

Whilst understanding what level of physical activity is recommended by the government for good health, our attendees learn that even small changes to activity can really help people’s health. They learn that strength and balance work are just as important to talk about as fitness. Starting these conversations by asking questions, helps people to develop their own plan of change to be more active. At Healthy Chats CIC, we help people to understand that having a conversation about physical activity can be a chat and that you don’t need a health qualification to do this.

Our ‘chatters’ (people who have been on our courses) learn how physical activity is important in preventing & managing many long-term health conditions. We help the people on our courses to gain confidence in their ability to have these conversations. That everyone can talk about this, not just healthcare professionals.


Helping businesses to talk more easily about pre-menopause and menopause. A training pilot in development. Contact us for more details or to be one of the pilot sites.